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Provision of PUWER Assessments

PUWER (Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations) assessments are a critical aspect of ensuring the safety and compliance of work equipment and places duty on people and companies who own, operate or have control over work equipment.

These assessments help businesses identify potential hazards and take appropriate action to mitigate them, minimising the chance of employee accidents and injuries.

At VIG, we understand the importance of PUWER assessments and our team of experienced engineers and operators conduct thorough inspections of equipment and provide detailed reports outlining any potential hazards and recommendations for corrective action.

What are PUWER Assessments?

PUWER assessments evaluate the safety and compliance of equipment utilised in the workplace, including machinery, tools and other equipment. The assessments include a wide range of aspects, including design, construction, usage, and personnel training.

The purpose of PUWER assessments is to identify and address any potential safety hazards, ensuring that equipment is used safely and efficiently. This can involve modifications to the equipment, such as installing guards or safety features, as well as providing employees with training and instructions for safe usage.

PUWER within the context of our Industrial Relocation services applies to any of the equipment we utilise in our machinery moves such as our specialist FLTs, JMG Cranes, Versa Lifts & Tackle Vans and all are regularly inspected for compliance within the regulation.

Why are PUWER Assessments Important?

PUWER assessments are crucial for various reasons, primarily it ensures the safety of workers in the workplace. By identifying hazards and taking measures to address them, PUWER assessments can help prevent accidents and injuries.

In addition to safety, PUWER assessments are also important for compliance. These regulations are in place to ensure that businesses are meeting safety standards and taking appropriate measures to protect their employees. Failing to comply with PUWER regulations can result in fines and penalties, as well as a negative impact on the company's reputation.

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Our Approach to PUWER Assessments

At VIG, we take a comprehensive approach to PUWER assessments, conducting thorough inspections and providing detailed reports outlining any potential hazards and recommendations for corrective action. Our team of experienced engineers and operators are trained to identify potential hazards and provide solutions that are both effective and practical.

Summarising PUWER

PUWER examinations are critical to assuring the safety and compliance of work equipment in the workplace.

The PUWER regulations require risks to people’s health and safety from any equipment that they use in the course of their work, to be prevented or controlled, by ensuring that work equipment is maintained safe for use, in a safe condition and suitable for the intended use.

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